
Omexell is committed to the control and application of steam and water systems, It aims to share the scientific and technological achievements of Omexell heat transfer science with customers in China and other parts of Asia. Omexell specializes in the effective control and application of steam and water systems. Omexell takes advantage of internationalization and fully integrates international senior technical experts, experienced engineers, strong production and supply capabilities and advanced service concepts to provide users with comprehensive energy. Application solution. Omexell's main products cover heat exchange systems and steam systems, and have won the trust of the market with excellent quality, rich variety and humanized design. At the product development and design stage, Omexell adheres to strict environmental standards and selects high-quality raw materials to manufacture quality products.

All Omexell products are subject to iso9001:2008 standard for quality management and control throughout the whole process. Every production process is in strict accordance with iso9001:2008 model to establish a quality management system, covering design control, procurement control, production process control, finished product inspection and product safety control, etc.”

Omexell has been committed to providing energy system optimization solutions to users around the world, solving problems for users, saving energy and improving system operation efficiency. Energy conservation is an important means of sustainable development in China. The shortage of energy and the enormous pressure from the environment have made the Chinese government and people increasingly aware of the importance of energy conservation. China's energy efficiency is 30~35%, which is more than 10% worse than that of developed countries in Europe and America. If energy efficiency can be increased by one percentage point, it will bring economic benefits of 30 billion yuan. Omexell focuses on reducing the impact on the environment and promoting the efficient use of energy. Omexell's energy-saving technologies can replace domestic backward technologies and products, improve energy efficiency, save fuel consumption by 20% to 25%, and reduce harmful substances such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and soot. Discharge 30~35% and reduce thermal pollution and noise pollution.

Omexell brings together a group of high-quality, innovative thermal experts, mechanical and electrical engineers, and Omexell's corporate philosophy of “Loyalty, Responsibility, Innovation”, which attracts a group of people. The employees, each of them is working hard every day to build a better company, and even a better world.

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