
Note: Please be sure to read the following terms carefully before using this website. By using this website, you are aware of and accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this website.
1. Use of the website

The content on the OMEXELL website (hereinafter referred to as "this site") is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You should respect and use the copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the content. If the content of the website does not have a right to declare, it does not mean that the website does not have rights to it, nor does it mean that the website does not claim rights. You should respect the legitimate rights and interests of such content and use it legally according to the principle of good faith. You may not modify, copy, publicly display, publish or distribute the Materials in any way or otherwise use them for any public or commercial purpose. The use of these materials for any other website or other print media or network computer environment is prohibited for any purpose. The content and editorial forms on this site are protected by copyright laws and other laws. Any unauthorized use of the materials on this site may constitute a violation of copyright and other legal rights. Trademarks, service marks and logos (hereinafter collectively referred to as "trademarks") used and displayed on this website and related linked websites are registered and unregistered trademarks of OMEXELL and other rights holders. Your use of or access to any content on such websites cannot be construed as granting you any right to use the trademarks. You may not use the OMEXELL trademark in any way without prior written permission. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, OMEXELL prohibits you from using the OMEXELL trademark as a "hot" link to any OMEXELL related website.

If you do not accept or violate the above agreement, your authorization to use this site will be automatically terminated, and you should immediately destroy any downloaded or printed content of this site.
2. Information Release

The information on this site is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, absence of computer viruses or non-infringement of intellectual property rights. In addition, OMEXELL does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, reliability and completeness of the information on this site. The content on the OMEXELL website or the products (including software), services, prices and configurations described in these contents are subject to change without notice. The content on this site may also have expired, and OMEXELL does not promise to update this content in a timely manner. The information published on this site may be products, programs or services that are not available in your local area. You can consult your local OMEXELL business contact and agent. Exclusions of such nature may not apply to you if, expressly, the exclusion or implied exclusion of the implied warranties is expressly prohibited by applicable law.
3. About user submission materials

Except for personally identifiable information, any other materials, information or contact information (collectively referred to as information) that you send or post to the Site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. OMEXELL will not be responsible for any of this information. At the same time, your submission may be deemed to be agreed (or authorized) if not specifically stated: OMEXELL and its licensors may freely copy, disclose, distribute, merge and otherwise exploit such information and all for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Data, images, sounds, text, and more. Your use of this site may not violate laws and regulations and public ethics, and you may not post or send any illegal, threatening, libelous, libelous, obscene, pornographic, endangering national and/or public safety or other material that may be illegal to the site. If the relevant person raises a warning or objection to the content and influence of this information, the site may delete the information at any time or stop the online browsing of the information indefinitely without first obtaining the consent of the submitter and without obligation to do so afterwards. Notify the submitter that if the situation is serious, the site may take measures to cancel the user. The personally identifiable information you submit to OMEXELL for receiving products or services will be used or processed in accordance with OMEXELL's Privacy Policy.
4. User communication content

OMEXELL is not responsible for monitoring or reviewing information sent or posted by users on this site or in any field of communication with each other, including but not limited to chat rooms, bulletin boards or other user forums, and any communication. OMEXELL is not responsible for the content of any such communication, whether or not it causes embarrassment, privacy, obscenity or other problems. OMEXELL reserves the right to remove such information or other inappropriate content at the time of discovery.
5. Use of the download software on this site

If you download software from this site, you must comply with all license terms in the software license agreement that accompanies the software. You may not download or install this software until you have read and accepted the terms of the software license agreement. If the copying or redistribution of the software has been prohibited in the applicable license terms or agreement, you must follow the instructions.。
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Links to third-party websites are provided to you as a convenient service. You'll leave this site when clicking these hyperlinks. OMEXELL has not reviewed any third-party websites and does not control or assume any responsibility for these websites and their content. If you decide to access any third-party website linked to this site, you may be responsible for the results and risks you may incur.
7. Limit of responsibility

OMEXELL and its suppliers or third parties mentioned in this site are not liable for any damages (including but not limited to damages caused by any reason, loss of data, indirect loss, incidental loss or business interruption) , whether or not these damages are caused by the use, or inability to use the results of this site, any websites linked to this site, or any of the information contained in such sites, and whether they are warranted, contract, tort or any other law Advice on the possible and possible occurrence of such damage in advance. If you need to maintain, repair or correct the equipment or data due to the use of the information on this site, you are responsible for all costs incurred.
8. General principle

OMEXELL may amend these terms at any time. You should visit this page frequently to understand the current terms, as these terms are closely related to you. Certain provisions of these Terms may also be superseded by legal notices or terms expressly specified on certain pages of the Site. You should be aware of these terms and, once accepted, means that you have read and accepted these Quoted or superseded terms.
9. The disputes arising from this announcement or the use of this website shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China。
10. Any dispute arising from this announcement or the use of this website shall be settled through consultation. If the negotiation fails, the parties unanimously agree to resolve the case by the court of Jinan High-tech Zone.

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